Charlotte Grange is one of many community Granges in Vermont. All are part of the National Grange organization which was founded in 1867 as a farm support and advocacy group. Charlotte Grange formed in 1908, and like other community Granges, we have a local focus, supporting and strengthening individuals, families and our community through grassroots action, service, education, advocacy and agriculture awareness. We strive to honor our agricultural roots and help build a resilient future for all. Membership is open to all residents aged 14 or older in Charlotte and neighboring towns.
Our Mission
Be a vibrant part of Charlotte’s changing community through expanding programs and service activities.
Restore and maintain the Grange Hall as a community hub, with programs and activities serving a wide range of residents and needs.
Initiate and support community education, learning and mutual support in food production and access, and other agriculture-related issues.
Share creative arts and music.
Strengthen community understanding and appreciation of the natural environment and our relationship with Nature.
Enable healthy activities for all ages which promote personal development, community cohesion and resilience.
Provide timely and reliable information on issues related to the community’s ability to evolve and thrive resiliently.
Promote civic engagement, civil dialog, social interaction, and FUN!
Our Grange Hall is located at 2858 Spear St. in Charlotte.
We do a wide range of programs and activities. Many are family-friendly. See our event calendar for details.
Members meet monthly on the third Tuesday of the month, 6:30-8:00 pm, alternating between business meetings and family-friendly potlucks.
Committees and working groups meet monthly or as needed.
Learn More
Become a Member
Annual membership dues are $30/individual, or $48/couple. To join, please send the information requested below to P.O. Box 54, Charlotte, VT 05445 with a check payable to Charlotte Grange or fill out the form below and pay online. Members are encouraged to become involved in the creation and carrying out activities, to the extent their time and interests allow.