“My Favorite Tree in Charlotte” Art Contest
Calling All Young Artists! Celebrate Charlotte’s Earth Month!
The Charlotte Grange and the Charlotte Library invite students (Grades K-8) to create tree art and companion stories, featuring their favorite tree in our town.
Information and entry forms are available at the Charlotte Library’s circulation desk and at this website: Tree Art Contest.
Here’s the schedule:
Today - April 1: Create your entry! Complete Guidelines and Entry Blanks can be picked up at the Charlotte Library, or downloaded here: https://bit.ly/3F1FQ5X
March 15 - April 1: Submit your entry! Drop off is in the entry box inside the Charlotte Library. All entries must be received there by April 1 @ 5 PM.
April 12 @ 4 PM: Celebration & Art Show (for all entries) at the Charlotte Grange Hall, located at 2858 Spear St., Charlotte.
The contest is designed for all Charlotte students (at Charlotte Central School, private schools, and home-schoolers).
Questions? Contact Sally: sallyw@aol.com

Charlotte Grange Meeting
Grange members gather on the third Tuesday every other month to discuss business matters. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
To learn more or get involved email Grange President Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.

Charlotte Walks
We hope you can join us on this month's "Charlotte Walks" on the Town Link Trail!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet up and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
We will meet at 8:30 AM at the Charlotte Ballfield parking area behind Sweet Roots Farm. Sweet Roots Farm is at 4702 Ethan Allen Hwy (Route 7), directly across from Higbee Rd. Head up the driveway and keep to the left to get to the parking area at the ball fields.
Each month’s location and where to meet will be posted here on the Grange Events Calendar. Please check back in!
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month, 8:30-10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen.
Each month, a local guest poet will be invited to share about themselves and recite several poems. Participants are then invited to recite their own poetry or read poetry of their choosing. Prizes will be offered to those who can recite their poems from memory!
This month our guest poet is Jack Mayer, a Vermont writer and retired pediatrician. His first practice was on the Canadian border where he began writing poems about his practice and hiking Vermont’s Long Trail. A cancer researcher at Columbia University, he returned to Vermont as a primary care pediatrician in Middlebury, retiring in 2021. As a writer, he participated in the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference twice for fiction, and once for poetry. He has written two books, Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project, and Before the Court of Heaven, and two poetry collections —Poems from the Wilderness - Winner of the Proverse Prize, and Entanglements: Physics, Love, and Wilderness Dreams, reflecting his interest in the physics and metaphysics of cosmology and the primacy of relationships.
Everyone is welcome! This a monthly gathering, meeting 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

"My Favorite Tree in Charlotte" Celebration & Art Show
All of Charlotte is invited to celebrate the young artists (Grades K-8) who have participated in the “My Favorite Tree in Charlotte” Art Contest, in honor of Charlotte’s Earth Month, and in collaboration with the Charlotte Library.
The Art Show will feature ALL of the entries and we think you’ll be amazed at the tree art and companion stories these young artists have created, featuring their favorite tree in our town.
See you there! April 12 at 4 PM, at the historic Grange Hall, located at 2858 Spear St., Charlotte.
More information about the contest can be found at this website: Tree Art Contest.
Questions? Contact Sally: sallyw@aol.com

Kids Clothing Drive Drop Off Dates
Please consider donating outgrown kids' and teens' clothes, outerwear, and footwear to the Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs project! We are also accepting donations of large reusable shopping bags to use in re-distributing the clothing.
Check back here for the exact in-person drop-off days and times. In addition, there will be a large sealed bin on the porch at the Grange Hall (2858 Spear St.) for anyone who may want to drop donations off at other times during these dates.
The Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs project is a program of the Charlotte Grange. Every spring and fall local families gather clothes their children or teenagers have outgrown and drop them at the Grange. Volunteers then sort the clothes by size and make a bag for each child served by the Charlotte Food Shelf. Any donations not needed by Charlotte families will be donated to community support organizations in neighboring towns.
The Charlotte Food Shelf is committed to provide support to our neighbors with food and assistance. To learn more, visit https://www.charlotteucc.org/copy-of-charlotte-food-shelf-1

Grange Members Potluck
Grange Members and their families gather at the Grange Hall for a potluck and social gathering on the third Tuesday every other month. This potluck gathering alternates monthly with our Business Meeting. Bring a dish to share (anything you choose!), plus your own plate/utensils and non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. Tea available. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
If you are “Grange Curious,” are considering becoming a member, and/or would like to meet and talk with other Grange Members, please contact Tai at CharlotteGrangeVT@gmail.com.

Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
On April 18th, you’re invited to join us at 8:30am at the parking lot of Williams Woods Natural Area. The trail is a one mile loop through the “best remaining mature valley clayplain forest in the Champlain Valley.” It also is home to many spring natural wonders - vernal pools with amphibian eggs, ephemeral wild flowers, and beaver activity.
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month, 8:30-10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Food Drive for Farmworkers
We’ll be gathering specific non-perishable food items in support of local underserved farmworkers. Bins will be on the front porch of the Grange Hall during this 12-day period, as well as in several other locations around town and in the area. Please check back here for a list of additional drop-off locations.
The Food Drive for Farmworkers is for specific items, and the Goya brand items are quite available at Market 32 (Price Chopper), Shaw's, and Hannafords. Thanks for participating and for honoring the need for these particular items:
Spaghetti (1 lb. boxes), Dried Black Beans (1 lb. bags), Canned Black Beans (16 oz. cans, preferably Goya brand), Dried Lentils (1 lb. bags), White Rice (1 lb. bags), Goya Yellow Rice (7 oz. boxes), Maseca Yellow Corn Flour (4 lb. bags), Apple or Cranberry Juice (64 oz. containers), and Vegetable Oil (48 oz. containers). Also: Goya Adobo All Purpose Seasoning, Goya Sazonador Total Seasoning, and Goya Sazon Culantro y Achiote Seasoning packets.
To learn more contact Sally: sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen.
Each month, a local guest poet is invited to share about themselves and recite several poems. Participants are then invited to recite their own poetry or read poetry of their choosing. Prizes will be offered to those who can recite their poems from memory!
Everyone is welcome! This is a monthly gathering and meets 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
Each month’s location and where to meet will be posted here on the Grange Events Calendar. Please check back in!
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Charlotte Grange Meeting
Grange members gather on the third Tuesday every other month to discuss business matters. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
To learn more or get involved email Grange President Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month, 8:30-10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Worn American Flag Collection
Weather and the sun inevitably result in a worn-out flag. If your flag is tattered or soiled and it's time for a new one, the Charlotte Grange can help you make sure your old flag is taken care of properly.
On Memorial Day, the Grange will be collecting worn flags from our Charlotte cemeteries and taking them to the Vergennes American Legion to be "retired" in a Flag Day ceremony there. If you have a flag to dispose of, please bring it to the Charlotte Memorial Day event on Monday, May 26 at 9 AM at the Grandview Cemetery (403 Church Hill Rd.) OR drop off your flag at the Grange Hall (2858 Spear St.) May 24 - 31. There will be a covered bin in front of the Grange Hall.
To learn more contact Sally: sallyw@aol.com

Memorial Day Gathering and Flag Placing
Join us at Grandview Cemetery on Memorial Day morning at 9 AM. After a short ceremony, interested folks will help place flags on the graves of those who served and/or died in military service. This annual tradition has been held by the Charlotte Grange for many years. All are welcome to join us for the ceremony, to place flags, or both!
To Volunteer Contact: Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com

Talk, Tour, and Eat Apple Cake
Vermont Craftsman Helps Restore the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris!
Come hear an amazing story, complete with images, videos, stories, and insights. We’ll also be giving short tours of our own historic Grange Hall, built in 1870, and serving up homemade Apple Cake to all attendees!
In 2023, Will Wallace-Gusakov was invited to spend 6 months working to rebuild the timber frame roof of the landmark Notre Dame de Paris cathedral, severely damaged by fire in 2019. He was hired along with other American carpenters, including 4 Vermonters, to be part of the massive reconstruction effort that has garnered international attention. A native of Bristol, Vermont, Will has been restoring, designing, and building timber frame structures for the last twenty years, and is the owner of Goosewing Timberworks in Lincoln, which specializes in traditional timber framing, fine carpentry and antique building restoration and preservation.
This is a program you won’t want to miss! Co-hosted in collaboration with our good friends at the Charlotte Library.
For more information contact Sally: sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen.
Each month, a local guest poet is invited to share about themselves and recite several poems. Participants are then invited to recite their own poetry or read poetry of their choosing. Prizes will be offered to those who can recite their poems from memory!
Everyone is welcome! This is a monthly gathering and meets 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Grange Members Potluck
Grange Members and their families gather at the Grange Hall for a potluck and social gathering on the third Tuesday every other month. This potluck gathering alternates monthly with our Business Meeting. Bring a dish to share (anything you choose!), plus your own plate/utensils and non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. Tea available. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
If you are “Grange Curious,” are considering becoming a member, and/or would like to meet and talk with other Grange Members, please contact Tai at CharlotteGrangeVT@gmail.com.

Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
Each month’s location and where to meet will be posted here on the Grange Events Calendar. Please check back in!
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month, 8:30-10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more, contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen.
Each month, a local guest poet is invited to share about themselves and recite several poems. Participants are then invited to recite their own poetry or read poetry of their choosing. Prizes will be offered to those who can recite their poems from memory!
Everyone is welcome! This is a monthly gathering and meets 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Grange on the Green Concert
The Charlotte Grange invites friends and neighbors to enjoy evenings of music and merriment on the Charlotte town green this summer. Bring a picnic and enjoy local music in good company. The music starts at 5:30 PM and ends at 7:00 PM. Co-hosted by the Charlotte Library.
Stay tuned to read about our amazing performers and incredible sponsors!
Rain location: Charlotte Senior Center

Charlotte Grange Meeting
Grange members gather on the third Tuesday every other month to discuss business matters. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
To learn more or get involved email Grange President Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.

Grange on the Green Concert
The Charlotte Grange invites friends and neighbors to enjoy evenings of music and merriment on the Charlotte town green this summer. Bring a picnic and enjoy local music in good company. The music starts at 5:30 PM and ends at 7:00 PM. Co-hosted by the Charlotte Library.
Stay tuned to read about our amazing performers and incredible sponsors!
Rain location: Charlotte Senior Center

Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
Each month’s location and where to meet will be posted here on the Grange Events Calendar. Please check back in!
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Grange on the Green Concert
The Charlotte Grange invites friends and neighbors to enjoy evenings of music and merriment on the Charlotte town green this summer. Bring a picnic and enjoy local music in good company. The music starts at 5:30 PM and ends at 7:00 PM. Co-hosted by the Charlotte Library.
Stay tuned to read about our amazing performers and incredible sponsors!
Rain location: Charlotte Senior Center

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month, 8:30-10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more, contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Grange on the Green Concert
The Charlotte Grange invites friends and neighbors to enjoy evenings of music and merriment on the Charlotte town green this summer. Bring a picnic and enjoy local music in good company. The music starts at 5:30 PM and ends at 7:00 PM. Co-hosted by the Charlotte Library.
Stay tuned to read about our amazing performers and incredible sponsors!
Rain location: Charlotte Senior Center

Grange Members Potluck
Grange Members and their families gather at the Grange Hall for a potluck and social gathering on the third Tuesday every other month. This potluck gathering alternates monthly with our Business Meeting. Bring a dish to share (anything you choose!), plus your own plate/utensils and non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. Tea available. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
If you are “Grange Curious,” are considering becoming a member, and/or would like to meet and talk with other Grange Members, please contact Tai at CharlotteGrangeVT@gmail.com.

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen.
Each month, a local guest poet is invited to share about themselves and recite several poems. Participants are then invited to recite their own poetry or read poetry of their choosing. Prizes will be offered to those who can recite their poems from memory!
Everyone is welcome! This is a monthly gathering and meets 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
Each month’s location and where to meet will be posted here on the Grange Events Calendar. Please check back in!
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Charlotte Grange Meeting
Grange members gather on the third Tuesday every other month to discuss business matters. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
To learn more or get involved email Grange President Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month, 8:30-10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more, contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen. Enjoy a discussion with fellow enthusiasts over tea and cookies.
Everyone is welcome! This a monthly gathering and meets 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Talk, Tour, and Eat Pie Event
Come see the historic Charlotte Grange Hall, which was built in 1870 as a debating hall by the Young Men’s Literary Club. It then served as one of Charlotte’s one-room schoolhouses for almost 80 years and rang with children’s voices as they learned and laughed and grew up here.
Join architectural historian Frances Foster for a presentation of Vermont’s most prevalent architectural styles of the 19th century. Learn why Vermonters built quasi-Greek temples, why there is no such thing as Victorian architecture, and other tidbits about Vermont’s built environment.
Foster, a graduate of the University of Vermont program in historic preservation, will show slides of buildings ranging from the Federal style through the late 1900s Colonial Revival.
She’ll be joined by other members of the Friends of the Lyceum Schoolhouse, a 501c3 nonprofit that supports the restoration of this historic hall in East Charlotte.
We’ll be serving free homemade pie to everyone who comes through the door!

Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
Each month’s location and where to meet will be posted here on the Grange Events Calendar. Please check back in!
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Storytelling at the Grange
Vermont resident Samara Anderson has decided to host a storytelling event at every public library in Vermont. This creative endeavor began in May of 2024 and will continue until as many of the 185 Vermont public libraries as possible have hosted one of her storytelling events.
These performances are an amazing way to bring the community together to enjoy the creative and vulnerable act of storytelling. We hope you’ll join this event as storytellers and audience members, sharing and listening to true, spellbinding, and reflective narratives.
To be held at the Grange, in collaboration with our great friends at the Charlotte Library!
Please contact Samara Anderson to sign up to be a storyteller, or with any questions: anderson_samara@yahoo.com

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month from 8:30 - 10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more, contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen.
Each month a local guest poet is invited to share about themselves and recite several poems. Participants are then invited to recite their own poetry or read poetry of their choosing. Prizes will be offered to those who can recite their poems from memory!
Everyone is welcome! This is a monthly gathering and meets 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Gathering Ingredients for a Harvest Soup at the Senior Center
We’re reaching out to local farms and community gardeners to ask if they have extra vegetables they’d like to contribute to make a delicious Harvest Soup for 60 people, to be served at the Charlotte Senior Center’s Monday Munch on October 13.
We hope to have everything gathered up by October 10 so the expert volunteers at the Senior Center can start chopping and cooking.
Do you expect to have a few extra . . . Beans, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Kale, Leeks, Onions, Spinach, Winter Squash - (Butternut, etc.)? Please do let us know!
We love collaborating with the Charlotte Senior Center and are so happy to help out with this project.
To Volunteer Contact: Sally Wadhams, 802-355-1478 or sallyw@aol.com

Grange Members Potluck
Grange Members and their families gather at the Grange Hall for a potluck and social gathering on the third Tuesday every other month. This potluck gathering alternates monthly with our Business Meeting. Bring a dish to share (anything you choose!), plus your own plate/utensils and non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. Tea available. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
If you are “Grange Curious,” are considering becoming a member, and/or would like to meet and talk with other Grange Members, please contact Tai at CharlotteGrangeVT@gmail.com.

Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
Each month’s location and where to meet will be posted here on the Grange Events Calendar. Please check back in!
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Charlotte Grange Meeting
Grange members gather on the third Tuesday every other month to discuss business matters. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
To learn more or get involved email Grange President Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month from 8:30 - 10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more, contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Clothing Drive for Farmworkers
You’re invited to join the Charlotte Grange in a winter clothing drive in support of local underserved farmworkers.
The very specific donation needs are:
MACHINE WASHABLE AND DRYABLE: Hoodie sweatshirts • Pants (Denim, canvas or Carhartt) • Work clothes • Vests (Fleece, Carhartt or heavy cloth) • Jackets • Thermal underwear.
(Please, no t-shirts, button-down shirts polo shirts, or wool items of any kind. Footwear, hats, scarves, and gloves are also not needed at this time.)
SIZES: Male ADULT (Small, Medium) and Male TEEN (Large and XL)
CONDITION: Clean, no tears, rips, or stains. Fully functioning zippers (if applicable)
Weatherproof bins will be on the porch, gladly accepting donations Nov 11-18.
For information contact Sally Wadhams @ 802-355-1478 (call or text) or sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen.
Each month, a local guest poet is invited to share about themselves and recite several poems. Participants are then invited to recite their own poetry or read poetry of their choosing. Prizes will be offered to those who can recite their poems from memory!
Everyone is welcome! This is a monthly gathering and meets 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"! Weather dependent, so please check back in!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
Each month’s location and where to meet will be posted here on the Grange Events Calendar. Please check back in!
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month, 8:30-10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more, contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen.
Each month, a local guest poet is invited to share about themselves and recite several poems. Participants are then invited to recite their own poetry or read poetry of their choosing. Prizes will be offered to those who can recite their poems from memory!
Everyone is welcome! This is a monthly gathering and meets 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Program Committee Meeting
No Planning Committee Meeting in December. But keep us in mind! The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning 2026 events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month from 8:30 - 10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more, contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com

Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen. Enjoy a discussion with fellow enthusiasts over tea and cookies.
In March our guest poet will be Bethany Breitland. Born in northern Indiana, her people are cult members, truckers, doctors, child-mothers, and business tycoons. She has lived, studied, and taught on the West Coast, the South, and New England. Breitland earned her undergrad degree from Pepperdine University, and her MFA from Vermont College. As an educator and activist, she has worked for over 20 years concerning women’s rights and the LGBTQ community. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize and a recipient of various poetry prizes. We can’t wait to have her with us at “Poetry at the Grange”
Everyone is welcome! This is a monthly gathering, meeting 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall on the second Thursday of every month. Check this Grange Events Calendar to confirm dates.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com
Charlotte Town Meeting Day
Unlike the last few years, Town Meeting this year will be held in person. YOU MUST ATTEND THE MEETING TO VOTE ON THE TOWN BUDGET. All articles will be voted live at Town Meeting. This includes budgets, any proposed amendments to budgets and all items that have been warned by the Selectboard.
Come visit us at the Grange table in the hallway to learn more about the Grange and check out a new project: A Directory of Volunteer Opportunities in Charlotte!
Voting for town positions (Selectboard, School Board, Library Trustee, etc.), the school budget, and the charter for land use regulations will be voted by paper ballot on March 4. Absentee ballots are available at Town Hall for the paper ballot vote.
Program Committee Meeting
The Grange’s Program Committee is busy dreaming and planning this year’s events and invites you to join in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to help us plan events on an ongoing basis or to volunteer the day of an event! Our goal is to build community in all sorts of interesting ways. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of the month from 8:30 - 10 AM at the Grange Hall.
To learn more contact: Sally @ 802-355-1478 or at sallyw@aol.com
Grange Members Potluck
Grange Members and their families gather at the Grange Hall for a potluck and social gathering on the third Tuesday every other month. This potluck gathering alternates monthly with our Business Meeting. Bring a dish to share (anything you choose!), plus your own plate/utensils and non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. Tea available. Doors open at 6:15 PM.
If you are “Grange Curious,” are considering becoming a member, and/or would like to meet and talk with other Grange Members, we’d love for you to join us! Please contact Tai at CharlotteGrangeVT@gmail.com.
Poetry at the Grange
Poets, poetry lovers, and everyone interested in poetry are invited to gather at the historic Charlotte Grange Hall! Bring a few of your favorite poems or your own poetry to read or recite, or just come to listen. Enjoy a discussion with fellow enthusiasts over tea and cookies.
Joining us on February 13 will be Shelburne’s Poet Laureate, Amy Allen. At the beginning of our gathering she’ll share a bit about herself, her work, and read a few poems. Amy Allen studied English literature and creative writing at Skidmore College and at Drew University. She is an avid writer, and her poetry and short fiction have been published in a variety of literary journals. Amy loves spending time outdoors in Vermont, and these experiences inform a great deal of her written work.
We hope to make this a monthly gathering and will be meeting on February 13, March 13, and April 10 to start, 1:00 - 2:30 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall.
RSVPs appreciated by not necessary: abigailkilley@me.com

Charlotte Candidates Night
Ask questions and share concerns with the candidates on this year's ballot! Learn more about each candidate, their priorities, reasons for running, and points of views.
Questions for the candidates can be emailed to Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com or posed during the event.
This event is coordinated by the Charlotte Grange in collaboration with the Charlotte Library and the Charlotte Senior Center.
This is a hybrid event. Attend in person at the Senior Center or online (zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86823077883).
Local Charlotte Government 101
What is Charlotte Town Government and how does it work? How can individuals get involved?
Town meeting day and local elections are just around the corner - here's your chance to understand how it all works! Join fellow Charotters for an overview of how government is structured here in Charlotte and how to participate. We'll cover everything from where to go to get your dog license to how to propose a change to the budget at Town Meeting.
Presented by the Charlotte Grange with Town Administrator Nathaniel Bareham and Town Moderator Charles Russell in collaboration with the Charlotte Library.
This is a hybrid event presented in person and online. Link to view on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85047715293
Business Meeting
Grange members gather on the third Tuesday every other month to discuss business matters. To learn more or get involved email Grange President Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.
Line Dancing Class
Please join us on December 4th from 7-8 PM for our third in a series of 3 Line Dancing Classes at The Grange Hall!
Taught by Andrea Warren owner of Good Time Line Dancing, this one hour class is formatted for beginners. The lesson will start with an easy to follow warm-up dance, followed by two absolute-beginner dances taught in small segments building up to doing the whole dance together at the end.
Space is limited to 25 dancers. Please register here to reserve a spot - Sign Up Link. The Grange will be asking for donations at the door - suggested donation is $10-20 per person. All ages welcome. Refreshments will be available.
Grange Members Potluck
Grange Members and their families gather at the Grange Hall for a potluck and social gathering on the third Tuesday every other month. This potluck gathering alternates monthly with our Business Meeting. Bring a dish to share (anything you choose!), plus your own plate/utensils and non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. Tea available.
If you are “Grange Curious,” are considering becoming a member, and/or would like to meet and talk with other Grange Members, we’d love for you to join us! Please contact Tai at CharlotteGrangeVT@gmail.com.
Tour, Talk, Pie: Charlotte Creameries
Jenny Cole, local history curator at the Charlotte Library, shares the story of Charlotte's cheese factories and creameries. These small businesses provided a range of dairy products for local and more distant markets. Grange member Trina Bianchi then leads a tour of the historic Grange building. Homemade pie and local ice cream round out the afternoon.
Presented in partnership with the Charlotte Library.
Line Dancing Class
Please join us on November 6th from 7-8 PM for our second in a series of 3 Line Dancing Classes at The Grange Hall!
Taught by Andrea Warren owner of Good Time Line Dancing, this one hour class is formatted for beginners. The lesson will start with an easy to follow warm-up dance, followed by two absolute-beginner dances taught in small segments building up to doing the whole dance together at the end.
Space is limited to 25 dancers. Please register here to reserve a spot - Sign Up Link. The Grange will be asking for donations at the door - suggested donation is $10-20 per person. All ages welcome. Refreshments will be available.
Save the Date: the thrid class in this series will be happening December 4th.
Fall Clean Up Day
Grange Members and friends will gathering at the building to tidy things up for the season. There will be indoor and outdoor projects to get everything settled for the winter. Vacuums and dust rags are welcome.
Free Coffee & Muffins Happy Hour
Everyone in Charlotte is invited to drop by the Charlotte Grange this Friday, Nov. 1st, between 8:30 - 10 AM for FREE Paradiso Farm Iced Coffee, Hot Coffee, Tea, and Homemade Muffins.
You can plan for a leisurely visit or just say hello and grab and go!
Every first Friday, through November.
Pumpkin Carving at the Charlotte Town Green
Join Jessica Scriver and other jack-o-lantern fans for pumpkin carving on the library porch. Pumpkins will be part of the 5th Annual Jack-o-Lantern Display on the Town Green. Already have a carved pumpkin you would like to be a part of the display? Drop it off by Wednesday, October 30 to be included. Jack-o-lanterns will be lit at dusk on Wednesday, October 30th and Thursday, October 31st.
Charlotte Walks
Join us for this month's "Charlotte Walks"!
On the third Friday of each month, we meet at 8:30 at a different Charlotte trailhead for a morning walk. It's a great way to get more familiar with Charlotte's public trails, and to meet up and chat with other Charlotters. Walks usually last about an hour and are led at a comfortable adult walking pace.
On October 18th, we’ll walk together on Charlotte’s Village Loop Trail. This lovely well-kept trail in West Charlotte will take us through woods and meadows, with an optional walk up Barber Hill for some lovely fall views. The meadow paths are well mowed but depending on the weather there could be a lot of dew on the grass – so please wear shoes or boots that can stand getting a little wet.
We will meet at the trailhead parking area at the Old Lantern Inn and Barn at 3260 Greenbush Road. When you pull into the driveway, trailhead parking is immediately to your left along the treeline by the road.
Shout out to our partners on the Charlotte Trails Committee for maintaining this and other trails in our town. You can find out more about the trails - and the committee - on the town website (or, come to this walk and ask us!).
Contact Karen at kknh.nh@gmail.com if you have any questions!
Business Meeting
Grange members gather on the third Tuesday to discuss business matters. To learn more or get involved email Grange President Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.
East Charlotte Tractor Parade
East Charlotte’s beloved Tractor Parade will be back this year! The Grange will have a table in the “Field of Fun.” Stop by to say hello and learn more about the Charlotte Grange!
Line Dancing Class
Please join us on October 9th from 7-8 PM for our first in a series of 3 Line Dancing Classes at The Grange Hall!
Taught by Andrea Warren owner of Good Time Line Dancing, this one hour class is formatted for beginners. The lesson will start with an easy to follow warm-up dance, followed by two absolute-beginner dances taught in small segments building up to doing the whole dance together at the end.
Space is limited to 25 dancers. Please register here to reserve a spot - Line Dancing Class Sign Up. The Grange will be asking for donations at the door - suggested donation is $5-20 per person. All ages welcome. Refreshments will be available.
Save the date for the next two classes - November 6th and December 4th 7-8 PM! Sign ups will come out shortly after the first class.
SIGN UP TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE: Line Dancing Class Sign Up.
Children's Clothing and Winter Gear Clothing Drive
This fall’s Kids Clothing and Outerwear Drive will run from October 1st-October 8th.
A weather proof bin will be located by the front door of the Grange Hall for drop-off during this entire period. The hall will be open and staffed by volunteers on two mornings: Saturday October 5th 9am-noon and Tuesday October 8th 8:30am-10am. Please consider dropping off while the hall is open if you have larger quantities of clothes to donate.
Donations of children’s and teen clothing and shoes are welcomed. In addition, our fall drive strives to provide all children served by the Charlotte Food Shelf with a full winter gear set-up. Donations of children’s winter jackets, mittens, hats, snow pants, and snow boots are welcomed and appreciated.
Volunteers needed: Come help sort and fold clothes 10/5 from 9-noon and/or 10/8 from 8:30am-10am. Email Alicia at alcoop.vt@gmail.com to sign up or learn more.
Children's Clothing and Winter Gear Clothing Drive
This fall’s Kids Clothing and Outerwear Drive will run from October 1st-October 8th.
A weather proof bin will be located by the front door of the Grange Hall for drop-off during this entire period. The hall will be open and staffed by volunteers on two mornings: Saturday October 5th 9am-noon and Tuesday October 8th 8:30am-10am. Please consider dropping off while the hall is open if you have larger quantities of clothes to donate.
Donations of children’s and teen clothing and shoes are welcomed. In addition, our fall drive strives to provide all children served by the Charlotte Food Shelf with a full winter gear set-up. Donations of children’s winter jackets, mittens, hats, snow pants, and snow boots are welcomed and appreciated.
Volunteers needed: Come help sort and fold clothes 10/5 from 9-noon and/or 10/8 from 8:30am-10am. Email Alicia at alcoop.vt@gmail.com to sign up or learn more.
Free Coffee & Muffins Happy Hour
Everyone in Charlotte is invited to drop by the Charlotte Grange this Friday, Oct. 4th, between 8:30 - 10 AM for FREE Paradiso Farm Iced Coffee, Hot Coffee, Tea, and Homemade Muffins.
You can plan for a leisurely visit or just say hello and grab and go!
Every first Friday, through November.
Veggie Share
The Charlotte Grange welcomes you to bring surplus garden harvest to share and swap with neighbors. Bring your surplus, and enjoy a short herb preservation demonstration by Grange Member Karen Tuininga.
No money is exchanged, and all are welcome to select vegetables. Participants in the swap can pick whatever they’d like for their families during the event. If you want produce for your family and do not have anything to donate, you are very welcome to come "shop." Any remaining items will be distributed by the Charlotte Food Shelf.
The General plan:
5:30-5:45pm: Arrive with any surplus veggies/harvest, lay out produce on tables with labels as necessary
5:45pm: Demo by local food producer/homesteader
6:00pm: Go shopping! Gather any items you'd like to go home with, chat with fellow gardeners, and share recipe ideas.
Charlotte Walks: Garden Tour Part Two
Want to get more familiar with Charlotte’s public trails or meet and chat with other Charlotters? Join us for Charlotte Walks!
Every third Friday we’ll meet at a different Charlotte trailhead at 8:30am. Walks will generally last about an hour and will be led at an adult walking pace.
September Walk: Garden Tour Part Two!
Park at the Quinlan Covered Bridge (Intersection of Monkton and Lewis Creek Roads). Meet at the Pollinator Garden, then walk half a mile up Lewis Creek Road to a homestead and extensive vegetable garden for a garden tour. If you joined us in June, you can see how things have evolved to this point at the end of peak harvest season.
Visit charlottegrange.org to learn the meet-up location each month. Sign up in advance if you’d like to be contacted if weather changes our plans by emailing charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.
Grange Members Potluck
Grange Members and their families gather at the Grange Hall for a potluck and social gathering on the third Tuesday every other month. This potluck gathering alternates monthly with our Business Meeting. Bring a dish to share (anything you choose!), plus your own plate/utensils and non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. Tea available.
If you are “Grange Curious,” are considering becoming a member, and/or would like to meet and talk with other Grange Members, we’d love for you to join us! Please contact Tai at CharlotteGrangeVT@gmail.com.
Free Coffee & Muffins Happy Hour
Everyone in Charlotte is invited to drop by the Charlotte Grange this Friday, Sept. 6, between 8:30 - 10 AM for FREE Paradiso Farm Iced Coffee, Hot Coffee, Tea, and Homemade Muffins.
You can plan for a leisurely visit or just say hello and grab and go!
Every first Friday, through November.
Veggie Share
It's peak garden harvest season in Charlotte! The Charlotte Grange welcomes you to bring surplus garden harvest to share and swap with neighbors. Bring your surplus, and enjoy a short canning and food preservation demonstration by our President Tai Dinnan.
No money is exchanged, and all are welcome to select vegetables. Participants in the swap can pick whatever they’d like for their families during the event. If you just need produce for your family and do not have anything to donate, you are welcome to just "shop." Any remaining items will be distributed by the Charlotte Food Shelf.
The General plan:
5:30-5:45pm: Arrive with any surplus veggies/harvest, lay out produce on tables with labels as necessary
5:45pm: Demo by local food producer/homesteader
6:00pm: Go shopping! Gather any items you'd like to go home with, chat with fellow gardeners, and share recipe ideas.
Business Meeting
Grange members gather on the third Tuesday to discuss business matters. To learn more or get involved email Grange President Tai Dinnan at charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.
Charlotte Walks: Plouffe Lane
Want to get more familiar with Charlotte’s public trails or meet and chat with other Charlotters? Join us for Charlotte Walks!
Every third Friday we’ll meet at a different Charlotte trailhead at 8:30am. Walks will generally last about an hour and will be led at an adult walking pace.
Our August walk location is is at the end of Plouffe Lane. This 1.4-mile network of trails, featuring a meadow, river and woods, is one of Charlotte’s lesser-known natural areas. It can be found by taking Carpenter Road to Plouffe Lane. Follow the lane to the end, take a right at the fork, and park your car in the designated parking area.
Please drive slowly and with deference down Plouffe Lane, and be sure to park in the official parking lot to the right at the end of the lane.
Visit charlottegrange.org to learn the meet-up location each month. Sign up in advance if you’d like to be contacted if weather changes our plans by emailing charlottegrangevt@gmail.com.
Free Coffee & Muffins Happy Hour
Free Iced Coffee, Hot Coffee, Tea and Homemade Muffins.
Coffee is OUR Happy Hour - Stay for a moment or an hour!
All are welcome!
Every first Friday, through November.
Become A Volunteer
Our events run on volunteer power!
Help support Grange programming and get to know your neighbors.