My Favorite Tree in Charlotte
Art Contest For Charlotte Students Grades K-8
Arbor Day (April 25, 2025) is a day to plant, nurture, and appreciate trees and the difference they make in our lives. As part of Charlotte’s Earth Month in April, the Charlotte Grange and the Charlotte Library invite students (Grades K-8) to celebrate by creating tree art and companion stories!
We hope you’ll enter the 2025 “My Favorite Tree in Charlotte” Art Contest! This contest is designed for Charlotte, VT students currently enrolled in Grades K-8 at the Charlotte Central School, private schools, and home-schoolers. Artwork and an accompanying written piece will be judged by a friendly panel of 3 Charlotte artists, writers, and growers!
“My Favorite Tree in Charlotte”
This might be a tree you see every day, a tree in your yard, at your school, at the beach, at the library, or ANYWHERE in Charlotte! To enter, students must create artwork, accompanied by a short companion story or written description.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Entries must be received by April 1, 2025 at 5 PM, submitted to the entry box inside the Charlotte Library.
JUDGING CRITERIA: Entries will be judged on 50% creativity and originality of the artwork, and 50% on the written portion (suggested length is 1-3 paragraphs).
ARTWORK can be created in pen, pencil, crayon, pastels, paint, cloth, collage, or photography. Artwork must be original and no larger than 8 x 10 inches. Unmatted, unframed.
WRITTEN PORTION: Please tell us why you chose this tree as your favorite tree in Charlotte, or what connects you to this tree. You can write this on a separate piece of paper, or you may use the back of this Entry Form to share your written component. (1-3 paragraphs).
All entries will be displayed at the “My Favorite Tree in Charlotte” Celebration & Art Show on Saturday, April 12 at 4 PM at the Charlotte Grange Hall at 2858 Spear Street, Charlotte, VT. The Grand Prize winner; each Grade Level Winner; and all entries (each of which will receive an Honorable Mention) will be announced and celebrated at this time.
-Grand Prize (1): A Grand Prize winner will be chosen from all of the entries.
-Grade Level Prizes (8): One winner will be selected from each grade group (K -8). A winner in each Grade Level will receive an Award Certificate, and a small prize.
-Honorable Mentions: All complete entries who did not win the Grand Prize or their Grade Level Prize will receive an Honorable Mention Award Certificate celebrating their participation, and a small prize.
1). Deadline: Entries must be received by Tuesday, April 1, 2025 @ 5 PM.
2). Dropoff: Entries must be dropped off March 15 – April 1, in the entry box inside the Charlotte Library during the hours they’re open.
3). A complete entry includes: 1). Artwork, 2). Written portion, and 3). Completed Entry Form.
4). Only one entry per student is allowed.
• Ideally, your artwork, the written portion, and the entry form will all be in an envelope. If you don’t have an envelope, please paperclip them securely together.
• Teachers and club or organizational leaders may submit entries in groups, as long as each individual submission has their own completed entry form.
• Any individual is allowed to win only one time.
• Entries become the property of the Charlotte Grange and will not be returned.
To the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program for inspiring the Charlotte Grange to host this contest and to our great friends at the Charlotte Library for co-hosting the contest with us!
Questions about this contest? Contact Sally at the Charlotte Grange: