Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs

Spring 2025 Drop off dates for Kids Clothing and Outerwear are: April 13 - 21

The Charlotte Food Shelf has been partnering with the Grange for years providing winter wear for Charlotte kids.  In the spring of 2021 this was given further impetus when Charlotter Tai Dinnan started Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs to match an abundance of high quality used clothing being given away by Charlotters with many families who would benefit from avoiding the high costs of outfitting their growing children.

Each spring and fall season over 20 Charlotte families donate their used clothing and winter gear to neighbors in need. Large bags of clothing (along with a coat, snow pants, boots, hat, and mittens in the fall) are given to each child served by the Charlotte Food Shelf twice a year.

Grange volunteers sort and bag used clothing for each child served by the Charlotte Food Shelf and surplus donations find homes with neighboring community organizations. We hope to continue these efforts to match used clothing and gear with neighbors who need it. 

Volunteers needed each April and November: If you'd like to help with this program, receiving donations and sorting clothing donations by size, please contact Time and duration of sorting is flexible - be in touch to coordinate!

Thank you to the Charlotte Food Shelf  for providing support to our neighbors with food and assistance.