The Charlotte Grange has created this Directory to help connect community members with local volunteer opportunities in Charlotte, Vermont. The Directory includes a diverse range of volunteer opportunities, and we hope you’ll find something that aligns with your interests and values. We predict you’ll meet a lot of interesting people along the way!
The Vermont Debate and Forensics League organizes speech and debate competitions for students throughout Vermont. Our season runs from November through March, culminating in a state championship competition.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Kathryn Kernoff (@ CVU)
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Judging at speech and/or debate tournaments. Tournaments are usually Friday afternoons or Saturday mornings. Judges help students improve their speaking and argumentation skills by providing individual feedback. Judges do not need any speech or debate background - We provide judge training at the beginning of each tournament. Thanks to volunteer judges, we can keep our programs free for all students.
The CCS Parent Teacher Organization is a collaborative effort between parents, teachers, and staff to provide enrichment opportunities for our children and staff at CCS.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Larson Berkey
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
CCS is making a concerted effort this year to lean on our amazing community of caregivers. But connecting volunteer caregivers to opportunities isn't easy! Our goal is to create a culture of connections and inclusion. We strive to create enrichment opportunities for students, support for teachers, and inviting for volunteers. We also understand that time is precious for caregivers. An hour or two of your time is so appreciated! Volunteering is based on the schedule of our volunteers! To make things easy for both volunteers and teachers, here are some ways caregivers can volunteer—both in person and remote!
In-Person Volunteer Opportunities Include the following:
Recess Support
Hiking Pease Mountain with 2nd Graders
Math Buddies with 7th-8th Graders
Projects with 7th-8th Graders
Sledding at Recess
Helping in the Kitchen
Lunch Monitoring
Field Trips
Guest Speakers
Remote Volunteer Opportunities Include the following:
Individual Tasks
Fulfilling Wish Lists
Donating to the PTO
The mentoring program at Charlotte Central School (CCS) offers a wonderful opportunity to connect with a youth in our school. Research has shown that these mentoring relationships make a huge difference in a child's life.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Kate Rooney, Mentoring Coordinator
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Mentors meet once a week at CCS and make a connection through playing games, crafting, cooking, playing sports or sharing some other common interest. The mentoring coordinator supports you every step of the way in building a meaningful relationship.
An official town committee, advising the Selectboard and collaborating with other committees, commissions and organizations in town around issues of energy and climate resilience (as outlined in the Energy Plan of the Town Plan), from renewable energy, energy conservation, safe active transportation, public transit and more.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Much more information about the committee, its work and how to get involved is available at the website.
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Charlotters are invited to join the committee as an official member, as a friend, as well as participate in the committee's events, activities, and campaigns.
The Charlotte Food Shelf, Inc. is a nonprofit, all volunteer organization committed to providing nutritious food and assistance to Charlotte and North Ferrisburgh residents. This mission is made possible through generous support of donations from community members, businesses, churches, grants and the commitment of over 40 dedicated volunteers.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Peggy Sharpe, President
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
There are four scheduled Food Distributions for our community each month: The second and fourth Wednesday of every month from 4 - 6 pm and the second and fourth Saturday of every month from 9 - 11 am. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities with flexible time commitments. There are also opportunities to shop for the Food Shelf and stock our deliveries from the VT Food Bank and Costco. In addition, there are specific events, pick-ups and organizational needs that we need help with at different times throughout the year.
Charlotte Grange is a community-level Grange within National Grange, the long-standing American organization promoting the well-being of rural communities. Our local mission is to honor our agrarian roots and help build a resilient future for all. We offer a variety of free programs throughout the year to strengthen community networks through service, local agriculture awareness and support, sharing of creative arts and music, enhancing our relationship with Nature, enabling healthy activities for all ages which promote personal development/community cohesion and resilience, and promoting civic engagement/civil dialog/social interaction, and fun! Some of our activities are based at our historic Grange Hall in East Charlotte, which we are working to upgrade for expanded use. Programs are organized by members, often in collaboration with other organizations and support from other volunteers. To stay informed, sign up through our website for a monthly digital newsletter, refer to the website's activities calendar, and join in whenever you can!
Instagram: @charlottegrangevt
Facebook: @charlottegrangevt
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Tai Dinnan, President
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Non-members can get involved in a variety of ways:
• Offer to share a skill or expertise in support of a new or continuing program (artistic talent, technical/graphic arts/computer skills, story-telling, meeting facilitation, farming, homesteading, building maintenance etc.)
• Help with providing food or logistical support for special events (preparing refreshments for special events, sorting/boxing/transporting donated clothes or food, etc.)
• Physical help with Grange Hall seasonal clean-ups inside and out (twice yearly group work sessions),
• Accounting support for our Treasurer (assistance with online software)
• Participate in any of our events including regular potlucks at the Grange Hall to meet members, discover shared interests, and see where they lead!
The Charlotte Land Trust is an all-volunteer organization working to conserve the best of Charlotte’s agricultural, natural, and scenic lands. Founded in 1986, CLT has worked individually and in partnership with larger land trusts to, so far, conserve approximately 20% of Charlotte’s land acreage.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Jessie Price
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
• Photography
• Graphic design
• Writing stories
The Charlotte Library advocates and supports life-long learning by providing information, services, and programs for all ages in a welcoming atmosphere.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Margaret Woodruff
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
• Garden help: Spring through Fall
• Seed library assistance: Winter through Summer
• Shelving books
• Assisting with program preparation
• Guiding programs
• Coordinating book reviews
Since 1958, The Charlotte News has been the town’s only nonprofit newspaper. We publish a print edition that shows up in residents’ mailboxes every other week, free. We also post an online newsletter every week, which is free to subscribe to on the homepage of our website at the lower right. We tell the community about what is going on in their town, both the serious, but also the heartwarming and funny things.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Scooter MacMillan
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Writing, photographing, and someone to collect and curate items for our community calendar.
Dedicated to preserving natural species, our ongoing projects focus on habitat restoration, which entails planting trees and combating invasive plants that compete for resources and overrun our natural areas. By removing these invasive plants and planting native trees, we are working hard to save native plants and, in turn, provide vital habitat and food for the wildlife in the refuge. This effort not only connects us to the land around us but also strengthens our community bonds. We invite you to join our team and contribute to this cause.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Denise Kahm
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
How to Join Us: Review the opportunities. Consider the areas below where you can best contribute your skills and interests. Respond. Indicate which volunteer you’d like to join. Get involved. Once we receive your preferences, we will contact you with more details. Thank you for considering joining our efforts. We look forward to working with you to preserve the natural beauty and health of our refuge for generations to come!
• Equipment Operation: Are you willing to work with equipment like chainsaws and pole saws to aid in the removal of invasive species?
• Planting and Restoration: Are you interested in digging holes and planting trees to help restore the native habitat?
• Manual Removal: Would you be comfortable using clippers and shovels to remove invasive plants manually?
• Educational Involvement: Are you interested in learning more about plant identification to better monitor and protect native species?
The Pollinator Pathway is designed to support wildlife and pollinators of all kinds throughout their entire lifecycle. Plantings at the gardens include trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and some annuals. There are multiple host plants for eggs and larvae and food essentials for birds, insects, and mammals.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Julie Parker-Dickerson
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Charlotte's Pollinator Pathway works to plant and upkeep public and private gardens along Charlotte's Pollinator Pathway. This series of gardens includes perennial beds, tree plantings, shrubs, and infrastructure that support positive pollinator/people interactions. Several of our gardens have benches, all have signs, and many have plantings that need yearly maintenance. Gardens are cleaned up once a year in April and maintained through a series of community work opportunities to weed, prune, and plant donations.
The primary way these gardens need support is weeding, tree and shrub pruning, and general cleanup in the mid to late spring. Some planting opportunities are available every year, generally limited to cooler months. Most gardens are located at intersections where parking is easy, and weeding can be done at any point between May and November. Opportunities at the Quinlan Covered Bridge qualify for Master Gardener Volunteer hours.
The Charlotte Senior Center is a community gathering place where people 50 and older can enrich their lives through conversation, good food, and a variety of activities.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Lori York
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
• Leading a program
• Joining our cooking teams
• Helping as a dishwasher
• Gardening
• Providing database support
• Welcoming our visitors
• Answering questions as a reception desk host
The Trails Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining the Charlotte network of trails, in accordance with the town plan. Currently the committee maintains four separate trails (Pease Mountain, Plouffe, Town Link and Village Link) located throughout the town. The Town Link trail will eventually connect the Town Beach, West Village, Mt. Philo, and the East Village.
Contact Points for Potential Volunteers:
Richard Hendrickson 802- 425-3439 or Jack Pilla
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
• Currently there is one open committee member position
• We schedule trail work days throughout the summer where volunteers can join committee members in maintaining trails - clearing brush, rebuilding water bars, spreading gravel, fixing bridges.
Charlotte Fire and Rescue Services, Inc. (CVFRS) is a private, not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to provide fire protection and emergency medical services to the Town of Charlotte and surrounding communities as requested.
The corporation is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the members in good standing from the volunteer body who meet defined length of service and shift criteria. The public safety mission of the corporation is pursued through the operations of its two agencies, Charlotte Volunteer Fire Department and Charlotte Volunteer Rescue Squad.
Since its founding in 1950, CVFRS has received the majority of its funding through the generous support of the Town of Charlotte.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Chief Jamie Valyou, Director of Emergency Services
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Volunteer opportunities exist for individuals interested in responding to fire calls and/or responding to EMS calls. Opportunities also exist to serve as a community member of the board of directors.
Our three-part mission: 1. PRESERVE and maintain the historic Clemmons farm in Charlotte, Vermont as an educational prototype, and a model for preserving African-American owned agricultural land, cultural and heritage assets in the U.S. 2. EMPOWER a growing network of Vermont's artists who have special expertise in the African diaspora arts and cultures with opportunities for professional development, advocacy, visibility, networking, paid engagements, collective healing, and a safe haven for creativity that helps them to thrive; and 3. BUILD a loving multicultural community around African-American/African diaspora history, arts and culture.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Please note “Volunteer Opportunities” on your email’s subject line.
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Spring clean-up days: These will begin as soon as the snow clears (late March/early April; May) and will require a group of 3-10 people. We will schedule the clean-up days on a few afternoons on weekdays, depending on volunteers' availability
Pick up sticks and rake leaves on the farm's lawns; load and transport the sticks and leaves in a wheel barrow down the hill and to the burn pile
Dumpster trip: Gather random odds and ends and drive them to the dumpster (CFF will pay any dump fees; you'll need a pick-up truck or large SUV)
Organizing: Organize and label closets, shelves, boxes -- and everything that goes in them, such as art supplies, office supplies, etc.
Annual Garlic Mustard Removal: Join a large team of 15-20 volunteers to help us remove the annual growth of garlic mustard in our wee woodlot near the Barn House. Late May/early June for a 2-4 hour shift. We will email some optional dates/times and will schedule based on the number of volunteers we manage to get. Learn about the invasive edible garlic mustard: Garlic Mustard: Invasive, Destructive, Edible
Community Reading Room set-up: Help us confirm our inventory and organize more than 400 books about African American/African diaspora history, art, and culture in our new Community Reading Room!
Reading Room Volunteer: Select a 2-hour shift any day of the week to sit in the Community Reading Room and oversee visitors' access and use.
Hoop House Clean-Up: Select a 2-hour shift in late March and help us weed, sweep, and spruce up the And Still I Rise Hoop House!
Event set up and greeter: Help set up chairs, greet visitors, show visitors where the parking is, and help visitors find their way to the right event venue. This is generally a 3-hour shift from start to finish. Events are usually scheduled a month in advance between May and October, and are usually free to the public, although with limited seating and advance registration required.
Art research and write-ups: Help us research and develop short descriptions of some of the various items on exhibit on the Farm. This work will be occasional for 2-3 hour shifts, beginning in May. Internet, computer, and reference books are available to volunteers for this on-farm work.
FLS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the purpose of raising funds to support the Charlotte Grange’s efforts to restore, rehabilitate and maintain the historic Grange Hall at 2858 Spear Street (the building was formerly known as the Lyceum Schoolhouse).
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Lynn Fox
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
• Writing copy for fundraising appeals and grants.
• Taking pictures of the renovation projects as they occur.
• Helping with graphics and presentation materials.
• Making pies for pie and tour events at the Grange Hall.
• Hosting events to introduce neighbors to the Grange renovation project.
• Writing thank-you letters and helping with other stewardship tasks.
• Helping to search for historical documents and photographs.
The Quinlan School was originally located on Spear Street, up the hill from the Quinlan covered bridge. In the mid-1990s, after the building was used for storage for many years, Charlotte volunteers organized to move this historic school building and restore it in a new location by the Charlotte Town Green. At the same time, the group collected information about the history of Charlotte schools, interviewed former students and their teacher, and collected artifacts related to early education in town.
The Friends of the Quinlan School is charged with protecting and maintaining the building and its history and providing educational opportunities for the community. Currently, the group is focusing on educational outreach and creating a user‐friendly experience for visitors touring the schoolhouse.
The building is open during summer events on the Town Green and for other activities planned by the Friends. People wishing to have a tour can inquire at the Charlotte Library or by using the email contact below.
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Volunteer opportunities include assisting in the effort to research, document and present the history of Charlotte schools, and supporting work to maintain the building and its contents.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Jenny Cole
Clean up trash from the roadsides in Charlotte, the first Saturday in May every year.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Ken Spencer
Kim Findlay
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Helping participants when they come to find a route or when they come back with their trash, in 2-hour shifts.
Lewis Creek Association (LCA) is a non-profit conservation organization that does sustainability and conservation work in the watershed towns of the middle Lake Champlain Valley, including Charlotte. We work with towns, governments and citizens to conserve Vermont's important landscapes and natural resources and rely on active citizens and volunteers to collect data, make informed decisions, and implement positive change.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Kate Kelly
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
• Frogbit Removal: We coordinate volunteers who will remove European frogbit and other non-native invasive plants from Town Farm Bay in Charlotte, where percent coverage of frogbit has successfully been reduced from 50% to less than 5%, as well as from the LaPlatte River Natural Area in Shelburne. It’s a great opportunity to get out on the water and see wildlife, meet like-minded folks, all while helping remove invasive species! Volunteer Locations: Town Farm Bay, Charlotte & LaPlatte River Natural Area, Shelburne Bay Time: June-July, 2025, dates/times to be confirmed in May . Volunteers sign up to help for 2-3 hour slots with an LCA staff member to guide the trip. All gear is provided (lifejackets, canoes/kayaks, paddles, buckets, rakes).
• Water Quality Sampling: We collect water quality samples with the help of volunteers through our South Chittenden River Watch program (in collaboration with Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation's LaRosa Partnership Program). Water sampling is conducted by a team of volunteers, then samples are taken to the VT DEC lab for analysis. We will sample streams in the LaPlatte River, McCabe's Brook, Thorp Brook, Kimball Brook, Lake Iroquois/Patrick Brook, Lewis Creek, and Pond Brook watersheds. Volunteer Locations: throughout Lewis Creek, the LaPlatte River, and direct to the lake drainages. Time: Approx. 1- 2 hours (including travel) bi-weekly mornings, April-July, exact dates to be confirmed, a virtual training meeting required. The results of our water quality sampling are shared annually on a story map.
• Japanese Knotweed Control: We are undertaking manual Japanese knotweed removal at two demonstration sites (in North Ferrisburgh and Starksboro) in 2025 and continuing an iNaturalist project to map the distribution of knotweed in the watershed. Volunteers will learn how to identify Japanese knotweed, and non-chemical manual removal techniques. Volunteer Location: Along Lewis Creek in North Ferrisburgh and Starksboro. Time: June through September, likely evenings, dates to be confirmed.
• Tree Planting and Maintenance: Volunteers will assist with new tree/shrub plantings and help maintain recent plantings to restore riparian forest buffers, improve upland habitat, and target priority bird species. Tools provided. Volunteer Locations: to be determined. Time: Spring, Summer, Fall, usually 2-3 hours depending on volunteer numbers and project size.
• Raingarden Maintenance: We maintain a rain garden at Brook Lane in Shelburne and occasionally along Silver Street in Hinesburg, removing invasives and cutting back plants in the fall. Volunteers can work alongside LCA staff and board members to help maintain the effectiveness of these raingardens. Volunteers Locations: Brook Lane, Shelburne & Silver Street/Rte 116, Hinesburg Time: Spring/Fall as needed
• Other: If you have any other skills and interests (graphic design, fundraising, bird/plant id, etc.) that you would like to share, please let us know via email.
Part of Age Well Vermont, our team of 20 or so volunteers, delivers healthy midday meals to our clients who live in Charlotte and North Ferrisburgh each weekday, all month long. These deliveries provide our clients with a nutritious meal and present them with a friendly face that is connected to a wellness check-in, and helps them to live independently.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Jane Lawlis, Coordinator
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Our volunteers are drivers who pick up meals from the Charlotte Library in the late morning, and then spend an hour or more driving to deliver meals to our clients around Charlotte and North Ferrisburgh. We usually have a stable team of drivers, but maybe once a year we need one or two others because of attrition.
Our mission is to provide abandoned farm animals with permanent, healthy homes where they can live free of abuse or cruelty, to provide education for the local and broader communities about the well-being of animals, and to promote a culture of equity between animals, people, and the planet.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Era MacDonald, Executive Director
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
• Animal Care Daily
• Vegetable/Fruit Pick up Daily @ Shaw’s
• Food Prep for Animals
• Help with Educational Programs
The mission of the Rutter Family Tree Fund is to plant and care for trees, primarily in and around the town of Charlotte. These plantings take place on roadsides, on town land, and on private property adjacent to public trails and roadways and are designed to enhance the natural beauty of the town, help secure the many environmental benefits that trees provide and boost human health and well-being.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Vince Crockenberg
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Opportunities focus on the planting and continuing care of Rutter-funded trees, under the direction of professional arborists and landscapers.
Sustainable Charlotte is working to build a sustainable, just, and resilient community that can thrive in our bioregion with its finite resources.
Contact Point for Potential Volunteers:
Ruah Swennerfelt
Examples of the Type of Volunteer Opportunities Available:
• Help with the electronic collection project, held annually on VT Green Up Day. 2-hour shifts all day long.
• Help with the 2x/year Repair Cafe. Can provide food for lunch, help with set up and clean up, and offer to help fix items (clothing, electronics, bikes, lamps, sharpen tools, etc.)
• Help with the annual, fall WindowDressers community build project, making affordable window inserts.
• Do garden work at one of the pollinator gardens in Charlotte. (Planting, weeding, composting, etc.)
There are many opportunities on other Charlotte Boards, Committees, and Commissions, and many examples are shown below. More information can be found at
If you have interest in serving the Town by participating in any of these capacities, send a short statement explaining your interest and any relevant background information to Charlotte’s Town Administrator, Nate Bareham, at or the contact indicated in the listing. If you have questions, please e-mail or call 802-425-3071 ext. 205, or stop by the Town Hall.
Board of Auditors meets as needed throughout the year. The Town of Charlotte hires an independent professional accounting firm to conduct the annual audit of the town’s funds and financial activities. The elected Town Auditors review various town financial activities and the independent auditor's findings and prepare a report. 3 volunteer members, elected by the community.
Cemetery Commission is a volunteer organization whose main focus is the maintenance and conservation of our Town Cemeteries: the West Burying Ground (aka Barber Hill) on Greenbush Road, the East Burying Ground (on Spear Street), as well as a number of smaller family plots around town. Please join us by volunteering, becoming a commissioner as vacancies arise, and/or supporting our efforts at budget time.
Conservation Commission: The goal is to support and advocate for protecting and enhancing Charlotte’s natural and cultural resources. To achieve this mission, we promote public understanding and appreciation of nature and create education and planning tools for resource management. We also consider engagement in the civic life of our town essential and therefore participate in town planning and policy development processes. 9 volunteer members. Email:
Development Review Board (DRB) members are appointed by the Selectboard to consider all projects requiring the following permits under the town's Land Use Regulations: Boundary Adjustments, Conditional Use review, Subdivision approval, Site Plan review, Variances, amendments to previously approved projects, as well as appeals of the Zoning Administrator's determinations. 5 volunteer members, appointed by the Selectboard.
Emergency Management: This team helps educate residents about emergency preparation and coordinates the delivery of state and local resources and supports when a disaster affects the community. Christopher Davis is the Town Emergency Management Director (EMD). The Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) position is currently vacant. 2 volunteer members, appointed by the Selectboard for one-year terms. Email:
Planning Commission is responsible for drafting updates and other amendments to the Charlotte Land Use Regulations (zoning bylaws), which govern what can be built, where in town, and with what restrictions. They are also responsible for preparing periodic updates to the Town Plan, and for coordinating planning projects related to transportation, housing, infrastructure, and conservation. 6 volunteer members, appointed by the Selectboard.
Recreation Commission supports recreation in Charlotte. Members of the Commission volunteer their time and expertise in support of recreation in Charlotte and meet monthly. We welcome ideas on recreation-related topics and feedback from the community, please consider attending a meeting or joining the commission. 7 volunteer members. If you are interested in joining the Recreation Commission, send a letter of interest to: or email:
Selectboard is the elected legislative body governing the town of Charlotte. The board sets policy through budgets, ordinances, and tax rates, among other regulatory duties. 5 volunteer members, elected by the community.
Tree Warden: Duties are only on Town land, including Thompson’s Point, the Town Green, Mutton Hill, Whalley Woods, and town planted trees in the rights-of-way. The Tree Warden and Deputy Tree Wardens are supported by a cadre of helpers who make up the Town Tree Stewardship Team. 3 volunteer positions appointed by the Selectboard.
Vermont House of Representatives: 1 position representing Charlotte. For more information, visit:
Vermont Senate: 3 positions, including representation for Charlotte. Charlotte is part of the Chittenden-Southeast State Senate District. For more information, visit:
The Charlotte Grange has created this Directory to help connect community members with local volunteer opportunities in Charlotte. The Directory includes a diverse range of volunteer opportunities, and we hope you’ve found something that aligns with your interests and values.